I. Teza de doctorat (PhD Thesis)
T1.Studiul teoretic al regimului de miscare Hartmann si al instabilitatilor magnetohidrodinamice de tip convectiv in modele de fluide ionizate/1998
II. Carti publicate(C1, C2 etc.), capitole in carti (CC1, CC2 etc), manuale (M1, M2 etc), indrumare (I1, I2 etc.),
C1 .“Mecanica analitica-Aplicatii”
A.Marcu, S. .Filip, Ed. Univesitatii Oradea, ISBN 973-613-212-9, 453pag, 2002
M1. “Culegere de probleme de electrodinamica”,
A. Marcu, Ed.Bit, Iasi, ISBN 973-9327-44-3, 120 pag. 2000
III. Articole/studii de specialitate cotate I.S.I. (S1, S2 etc.), articole/studii indexate in baze de date internaĊ£ionale (D1, D2 etc.), articole/studii publicate in volumele unor manifestari stiitifice internationale recunoscute(Vi1, Vi2 etc.), lucrari publicate in alte reviste recunoscute (L1, L2 etc), brevete de inventie(B1, B2 etc.), creatii artistice prezentate la manifestari recunoscute (A1, A2 etc.), precum si, dupa caz, alte lucrari similare - articole/studii publicate in volumele unor manifestari stiintifice nationale (Vn1, Vn2 etc).
S1.“Forced oscillations of coronal loops by EIT waves “ Ballai,.M. Douglas,A.Marcu, , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 448,1125-1132, 2008
S2.“The problem of phase mixting of shear Alfven waves in the solar corona revisted”,G.Mocanu, A.Marcu, I.Ballai, B.Orza, Astronomische.Nachrichten, 328,8,780-785,2008
S3. “Thermally damped linear compressional waves in a 2D solar coronal model”,
Marcu A., Ballai I., Orza B., IAUS 247, Cambridge Univ.Press,, pp. 320-323, 2008.;jsessionid=4BE3A313A29A5F25144D6F55A5066FE1.tomcat1?fromPage=online&aid=1859572
S4. “Dispersive shock waves in the solar wind”,
Ballai I., Forkas-Dajka E., Marcu A., Astronomische.Nachrichten,.328, no.8, pp 734-738 , 2007.
S5. ”Analogy between Lorenz-Robbins system and laser equations”, Codreanu S., Marcu A., Optoelectronics and Advenced Materials (RC), 1, No. 5, pp. 207-210, 2007.
S6.“Synchonization of chaotic lasers using an active control ”.Codreanu S., Marcu A., Optoelectronics and Advenced Materials (RC), 1, N0. 6, pp. 267-271, 2007.
S7. ”Thermosolutal stability of two component rotating plasma with Finite Larmor Radius”
Marcu A., Ballai I., The Publishing House Proceeding of the Romanian Academy, Series A, Vol.8 , Nr 2, pp.34-45,2007
S8. “The damping of slow magnetoacustic waves in coronal loops”,
Marcu, A., Ballai, I., Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials, 8 (4),, pp. 1562-1564, 2006 .
S9. ”Magnetohydrodynamic modes in a periodic magnetic steady state medium.“
Marcu, A., Ballai, I., Pinter, B. ,Astronomy & Astrophysics, 449 (3),, pp. 1193-1202, 2006.
S10. “The effect of anisotropy on the propagation of linear compressional waves in magnetic flux tubes: Applicationa to Astrophysical plasmas”
Ballai, I, Marcu, A,Astronomy & Astrophysics, 415 (2), pp. 691-703, 2004.
D1. ”Negative energy waves in the coronal plume/interplume system”
Marcu A., American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedigns, EFYRA1 Vol.895, pp 135-141, 2007
D2. “Thermally damped waves in he solar corona”
Marcu A., Ballai I., AIP Conference Proceedigns, Flows, Boundaries, Interactions, Vol. 934, pp 64-71 ,2007
D3.” Linear MHD waves in penumbral structures”
Marcu A. and Ballai, I.,PADEU 15, pp.103-114, 2005
D4.”The hydromagnetic convective flow through a vertical channel”
Marcu A., Vasiu M., Blaga C., Indian J. Phys. 72B (1), pp.45-54, 1998
D5.”The influence of Hall current on thermosolutal instability of a composite rotating plasma with F.L.R. ”
Vasiu M, Marcu A., Indian J. Phys. 72B (4), pp.23-35 ,1998
D6. ”The thermosolutal instability of a composite rotating plasma with finite Larmor radius”
Vasiu M., Marcu A., Indian J. Phys. 71B (1), pp.81-93 ,1997
D7.”Compressibility and collision effect on thermal overstability of partially ionized plasma with Finite Larmor Radius in porous medium ”
Vasiu M., Marcu A., Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol.49, Nos.3-4 ,1997
D8. “The effect of radiation and Hall currents on hydromagnetic vertical channel flow”
Marcu A., Vasiu M., Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol.49, Nos.3-4 ,1997
D9.”The study of a pulse shape discrimination circuit for fast neutron stilben spectrometer”
Daraban L., Boscaneanu S., Chereji I., Marcu A. Balkan Phys. Lett. (BPL) V5 Suppl. 40,1997
D10.“Magnetogravitational instability of a composite rotating plasma through a porous medium, in the presence of F.L.R. and Hall effects.”
Vasiu M., Marcu A., Balkan Phys. Lett ,BPL V5 Suppl. pp.1646-1649 ,1997
D11.”Compressibility, collisional and Hall effects on thermal instability of a composite plasma with finite Larmor radiu”s
Vasiu M.,Marcu A., Balkan Phys. Lett, BPL V5 Suppl. pp.1649-1652 ,1997
D12.”The hydromagnetic convective flow through a vertical channel with conducting walls in the presence of Hall effect”,
Marcu A.,Vasiu M.,. Balkan Phys. Lett, BPL V5 Suppl. pp.1653-1657 ,1997
D13.”The thermal instability of a magnetofluid in a vertical channel in the presence of radiation effect”
Marcu A.,Vasiu M.. Proc. Supp. Balkan Phys. Lett ,BPL, 2,pp.1958-1962 ,1994
D14.”Influence of Finite Larmor Radius effect on magnetogravitational instability of a composite plasma with differently rotating component”
Vasiu M, Marcu A.. Proc. Supp. Balkan Phys. Lett, BPL. 2, pp.1115-1119 ,1994
Vi1.“Standing waves in a solar periodic structures”
Marcu A., Mocanu G., Orza B. Conference Proceedings Exploring the Solar System and The Universe,1043,pp. 314-318, 2008
Vi2.“Thermally damped linear compressional waves in a 2D solar coronal model”,
Marcu A., Ballai I., Orza B., Cambridge Univ.Press, Waves &Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating amd Magneto-Seismology, Porlamar, Proc. IAU Symposium, 247, pp. 322-325, 2008
Vi3.“Negative energy waves in the coronal plume/interplume system”,
Marcu A., AIP, Fifty Years of Romanian Astrophysics, EFYRA,Volume 895, pp. 135-140 , 2007
Vi4.”Thermally damped waves in he solar corona”
Marcu A., Ballai I., AIP, Flow, Boundaries, Interactions, Vol. 934, pp 64-71 ,2007
Vi5.“Linear MHD waves in solar plasma structures”
Marcu A., British--Romanian--Hungarian N+N+N Workshop for Young Researchers On Plasma- and
Astrophysics: from laboratory to outer Space, PADEU 15, 103-114, 2005
Vi6.“Magnetohydrodynamic modes in a periodic magnetic medium(II) “
Marcu A., Ballai I. , A XII Conferinta internationala de Fizica Plasmei si Aplicatii Iasi, septembrie 2003 Analele Univ.Iasi Vol.L 108-114 ,2004
Vi7.“Rezistivitatea electrica si termica a materialelor compozite “
Marcu A., Surdeanu T. "CONSILOX", Budapesta, vol.1 pp.112-116, 1986
Vi8.“Campuri de depolarizare in cermeti sinterizati“
Marcu A., Surdeanu T.. A-III-a Conf.Internat. de Met. Pulberilor, Dresda, vol.1, pp.216-219, 1985
Vi9.“Rezistivitatea electrica a cermetilor sinterizati “
Marcu A., Surdeanu A., "CONSILOX", Minsk,vol.II ,1984
L1.“Magnetohydrodynamic modes in a periodic magnetic medium(II) “
Marcu A., Ballai I. Analele Univ.Iasi Vol.L 108-114 ,2004
L2.“Exact traveling wave solutions for KdV-Burgers equations in mathematica“
Marcu A , Analele Univ.Oradea, Fascicula Fizica Tom XIII B, 2003, ISSN 1224-5097
L3.“Magnetohydrodynamic modes of a periodic magnetic medium“
Marcu A., I.Ballai, Analele Univ.Oradea, Fascicula Fizica Tom XIII B,103, 2003, ISSN 1224-5097
L4.“The influence of anisotropy on propagation of linear waves in magnetic flux tubes :Applications to astrophysical plasmas (I) “
Ballai I.,Marcu A., Analele Univ.Oradea, Fascicula Fizica Tom XIII B, 83, 2003, ISSN 1224-5097
L5.“Ducted waves in anisotropic plasmas“
Marcu A., B. Barz, Analele Universitatii din Oradea, FasciculaFizica Tom XII A, 2002, ISSN 1224-5097
L6.“The influence of the Model Chua’s Diode Characteristic on Frequency Spectrum“
Codreanu S., Marcu A., Savici A., Anal.Univ.Oradea, FizicaB, pp.5-12, Tom 2001
L7.“The influence of compressibility, F.L.R. and Hall effects on MHD instability of ionized fluid in porous medium“
Marcu A.,Vasiu M., ,Annals of University of Petrosani, Physics, 1, pp.9-14 ,1999
L8.“The Hartmann flow of a ionized fluid through a horizontal channel“
Marcu A.,Vasiu M. ,Annals of University of Petrosani, Physics, 1, pp.15-18 ,1999
L9.“Some exact solutions of a charged fluid spheres in general relativity“
Balla I.,Marcu A.. STUDIA UNiv."Babes-Bolyai", Physica, XXXIX, 2, pp.91-98, 1995
L10.“Hydromagnetic convective flow through a horizontal channel in the presence of Hall effect“
Marcu A., Vasiu M.,. STUDIA Univ."Babes-Bolyai", Physica, XXXIX, 1,pp.71-78 ,1994
L11.“The thermal instability of a magnetofluid in a vertical channel in the presence of a radiation effect. “
Marcu A.,Vasiu M.. STUDIA Univ. "Babes-Bolyai", Physica, XXXVII,2, pp.41-49 ,1992
L12.“Theoretical and numerical considerations about the fluid flow in Hartmann mode with special magnetic field configuration“
Marcu A., Vasiu M.. Anal.St. Univ."Al.I. Cuza", Iasi, tom. XXXV, s. 1. b. Fizica, pp.69-76 ,1989
L13. “On a charged Fluid spheres in Weyl's theory“
Marcu A.,Vasiu M.. Vol." Meth. Models and Tech. in Phys. and Related Fiels",pp.122127, 1986
L14.“Proprietati electrice si termice ale sistemului Al2O3-Mo“
Marcu A. Rev. Mat. Const. 2, pp.17-22 ,1985
L15.“On a charged fluid spheres in general relativity“
Marcu A., Vasiu M.. Vol." Methods, Models and Techniques in Phys.and Related Fields",pp.146-51,1983
Vn1.“Influenta presiunii de compactizare asupra conditiilor initiale ale mecanismului de sinterizare“
Marcu A., Surdeanu T., Vol. CERO, 24 ,1990
Vn2.“Influenta efectului Hall asupra curgerii unui fluid ionizat intr-un canal Hartmann in prezenta unui camp magnetic“
Marcu A., Vasiu M, ICEFIZ, Vol. Progrese in fizica, Oradea ,pp. 489 ,1989
Vn3.“The effect of Benard convection on m.h.d instabilities“
Marcu A., Vasiu A.. vol. VII-th Nat. Conf. of Phys. and Tech. in Plasama, Iasi, pp.87 ,1989
Vn4.“Theoretical and numerical considerations about the fluid flow in Hartmann mode with special magnetic field configuration“
Marcu A.,Vasiu M. Anal.St. Univ."Al.I. Cuza", Iasi, tom. XXXV, s. 1. b. Fizica, pp.69 ,1989
Vn5.“Consideratii asupra posibilitatilor tehnologice de evaluare a conductivitati electrice si termicea unor materilale compozite sinterizate-I“
Marcu A., Surdeanu T., A-III-a Conf. Nat. de Met. Pulb. Vol.3, pp.19 ,1988
Vn6.“Ceramica pentru izolatori de bujii- evolutie si perspective“
Surdeanu T., Lupu R., Marcu A., A-III-a Conf. Nat. de Met. Pulb. vol.3, pp.95,1988
Vn7.“Ceramica pentru izolatori“
Surdeanu T., Lupu R., Marcu A., A-III-a Conf. Nat. de Met. Pulb. vol.3, pp.105,1988
Vn8.“Aplicatii ale teoriei distributiilor in sinterizarea contactelor electrice“
Marcu A., Surdeanu T,. Vol. SINTER 2, pp.121 ,1987
Vn9.“Modelul matematic al socului termic la materiale ceramice“
Marcu A.,Vol. CERO, pp.94 ,1987
Vn10.“Sinterizarea activata-simulare pe computer“
Marcu A., Vol.ICPE, Bistrita, pp. 49 ,1987
Vn11.“Theoretical considerations on a charged fluid in the presence of an electric field, in general relativity. “
Marcu A., Vasiu M.,. ICEFIZ, Iasi, pp.270 ,1985
Vn12.“Proprietatile magnetice ale aliajelor FeCrCo“
Cizmas B., Pop I., Surdeanu T., Marcu A.. Vol. a-7-a Com. ICEFIZ "Progrese in Fizica", Iasi, pp.340,1985.
IV. Proiecte de cercetare-dezvoltare pe baza de contract/grant, nationale (Pn1, Pn2,) si internationale(Pi1., Pi2,)
Pn1.” Aplicatii ale teoriei sistemelor dinamice neliniare in plasma, biofizica, clusteri moleculari, astrofizica si inginerie”
Contract cu CNCSU nr.16, 1998-1999, (director S.Codreanu)
Pn2.” Aplicatii ale teoriei sistemelor dinamice neliniare in plasma, biofizica, astrofizica si inginerie”
Contract cu CNCSIS nr.32575, TEMA 89 COD 306, 2000-2001, (director S.Codreanu)
Pn3.“ Analiza unor fenomene neliniare prin metode analitice, experimentale si simulari numerice”
Contract Tip A, CNCSIS, Tema 81, Cod CNCSIS 1057, 2001 , director S.Codreanu)
Pn4.“Analiza unor fenomene neliniare prin metode analitice, experimentale si simulari numerice”
(continuare) Contract Tip A, CNCSIS Cod 66, 2002, (director S.Codreanu)
Pn5.“Analiza unor fenomene neliniare prin metode analitice, experimentale si simulari numerice”
(continuare)Contract Tip A, CNCSIS Cod 149, 2003, (director S.Codreanu)
Pn6.”Modelare teoretica si comput-ationala in seismologia coronala globala solara si stelara: conexiuni unde globale -locale , campuri magnetice - variabilitati”,
Contract CNCSIS PNII IDEI_531 /2007 Nr.28/1/10/12007, 2007-2010. Dir. Marcu A
Pi1.“International Net working for Young Scientist British-Romanian- Hungarian Workshop on Plasma and Astrophysics”
Contract cu Univ.of Sheffield si British Council, 2005, Dir. Marcu A., Ballai I.