S.D. Anghel - Sensors and electronic measurements, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca 1996. (rom.)
2. G.D.Popescu, S.D. Anghel - Plasma physics -
Laboratory works, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca 1998. (rom.)
S.D. Anghel – Instrumentation with digital circuits, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca 2000.
S.D. Anghel – Plasma physics and applications, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca 2001.(rom.)
5. S.D. Anghel, Simon
A. - High frequency plasma, Cluj, Romania, Ed. Napoca Star 2002.(rom.)
S.D. Anghel - Analog and digital electronic circuits
Laboratory works, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
2002. (rom.)
S.D. Anghel - Fundaments of analogic
and digital electronics, Cluj, Romania, University Press, 2007.
S.D. Anghel - Non-thermal Plasmas in Resonant Circuits, Cluj, Romania, University Press, 2011.
9. S.D. Anghel – Thermally Non-aggressive Atmospheric
Pressure Plasma, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken
2013 (engl.)
Main papers
I. E. Vlad, O. T. Marisca, A. Vulpoi, S. Simon, N. Leopold and S. D. Anghel*, Simple approach for gold nanoparticle
synthesis using an Ar bubbled plasma setup,
J. Nanopart. Res., 16:2633,
(2014). doi:10.1007/s11051-014-2633-6
S.D. Anghel, Atmospheric
pressure plasma with a flat spiral electrode, J. Electrostat, 71, 155-158, 2013,
DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2013.01.012.
J. Papp,
I. Molnar, A. Simon and S.D. Anghel, Deactivation
of Streptococcus mutans biofilms
on tooth surface using He dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric
pressure, Plasma Sci. Technol., 15 (6) 535-541 2013 DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/15/6/09 .
V.J. Law and S.D. Anghel, Compact atmospheric
pressure plasma self-resonant drive circuits, J.Phys.D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 075202
F.T. O’Neill, B. Twomey,
V.J. Law, V. Milosavljevic, M.G. Kong, S.D. Anghel
and D.P. Dowling, Generation of
Active Species in a Large Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 40,
2994-3002, 2012, DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2012.2214403
A. Simon, O.E. Dinu, M.A. Papiu, C. Tudoran, J. Papp and S.D. Anghel, A study of
1.74 MHz atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge for non-conventional
treatments, J. Electrostat, .
A. Simon, O.E. Dinu,
M.A. Papiu, V. Simon, S. D. Anghel, H. Mocuta and
J. Papp, Comparative study on the structural
properties of plasma treated bioglasses and
composites, Roum. Journ. Phys., 57, 1392-1402, 2012.
C. D. Tudoran,V. Surducan, A.
Simon and S. D. Anghel, High
frequency inverter based atmospheric pressure plasma treatment system,
Roum. Journ. Phys., 57, 1382-1391, 2012.
A. Simon, O.E. Dinu,
M.A. Papiu, C.D. Tudoran
and S. D. Anghel, Ageing behavior of HeDBD treated glass surface, Roum. Journ. Phys., 57, 1367-1374, 2012.
10. S.D. Anghel, Generation and investigation of
a parallel-plate DBD driven at 1.6 MHz with flowing helium J. Electrostat., 69, 261-264 (2011), DOI:
S.D. Anghel, A. Simon, M.A. Papiu, O.E. Dinu, A very low
temperature atmospheric-pressure plasma jet in a single electrode
configuration, Roum. Journ. Phys. Suppl., 56,
90-94 (2011).
S.D. Anghel, Generation
and Electrical Diagnostic of an Atmospheric-Pressure Dielectric Barrier
Discharge, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39, 871-876 (2011),
DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2010.2102050
A. Simon, S.D. Anghel, M. Papiu
and O. Dinu, Physical and analytical
characteristics of an atmospheric pressure argon-helium radiofrequency capacitively coupled plasma, Spectrochimica
Acta Part B, 65 (2010) 272-278, doi: 10.1016/j.sab.2010.02.002.
S.D. Anghel, A. Simon,
A.I Radu and I.J Hidi,
Low power cross-flow atmospheric pressure Ar+He plasma jet. Spectroscopic diagnostic and
excitation capabilities, Spectrochim. Acta Part B, 65 (2010) 265-271, doi:10.1016/j.sab.2010.01.005
S.D. Anghel and A.
Simon, Preliminary investigations of a very low power atmospheric
pressure Helium plasma, Roum. Journ. Phys. 55 (2010) 185-193.
A. Simon, S.D. Anghel, M. Papiu
and O. Dinu,
Diagnostics and Active Species
Formation in an Atmospheric pressure Helium Sterilization Plasma Source
Nucl. Instr. and
Methods in Phys. Research Sect. B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms B
267(2009) 438-441; doi:
S.D. Anghel, A. Simon,
A. I. Radu and I. J. Hidi, Spectroscopic Characterisation
of a Cross-Flow Plasma Jet, Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Phys. Research Sect. B: Beam
Interactions with Materials and Atoms, B 267 (2009) 430-433;
S.D. Anghel, A. Simon
and T. Frentiu, Spectroscopic investigations
on low power atmospheric pressure capacitively
coupled helium plasma, Plasma Sourc. Sci. and Technol. 17 (2008)
A. Simon, S.D. Anghel and J. Pap, Optimum working
parameters for plasma needle used for bacterial deactivation, Journ. Optoel. Adv. Mater.
10, 2077-2081 (2008).
S.D. Anghel and A Simon,
An alternative source for generating atmospheric pressure non-thermal
plasmas, Plasma Sourc. Sci.
and Technol. 16, B1-B4 (2007).
S.D. Anghel and A Simon,
Measurement of electrical characteristics of atmospheric pressure
non-thermal He plasma, Meas. Sci. Technol. 18, 2642-2648
A. Simon, S.D.
Anghel, T. Frentiu and S. Simon, Investigation of a medium power rf CCP and its
application to high-temperature superconductor analysis via AES,
J.Anal.At.Spectrom 20, 957-965 (2005).
S.D. Anghel, A. Simon and T. Frentiu, Characterization of a
very low Ar CCP, J.Anal.At.Spectrom.
20, 966-973, (2005).
T. Frentiu, M.
Ponta, S.D. Anghel, A. Simon, A.M. Incze and E.A. Cordos, Investigation
of medium power radiofrequency capacitively coupled plasma and their
application to atomic emission spectrometry for the determination of
aluminium in water samples, Mikrochimica Acta 147,93-103
T. Frentiu,
M. Ponta, S.D. Anghel,
A. Simon, I. Mărginean and E.A. Cordos, Statistical evaluation of Cu, Mn and Zn determinations in biological samples by
radiofrequency capacitively coupled plasma
atomic emission spectrometry using the Bland and Altman test, Mikrochimica Acta 143,
245-254 (2003).
T. Frenţiu, E. Darvasi, S.D. Anghel,
A. Simon, M. Ponta and E.A. Cordos,
A simultaneous spectrometer equipped with a photodiode array and a mediu power radiofrequency capacitively
coupled plasma, Chemia Analityczna
47, 725-736 (2002).
S.D. Anghel, Generation
of a Low-Power Capacitively Coupled Plasma at
Atmospheric Pressure, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 30, 660-664
T. Frentiu, S.D. Anghel, A.Simon and
E.A. Cordos, Study of some matrix effects in
low power radiofrequency capacitively coupled
plasma with a central tubular
molybdenum electrode and a single ring electrode, Acta
Chimica Hungarica -
ACH Models in Chemistry 137, 677-690 (2000).
T. Frentiu, M. Ponta A. Rusu, S.D. Anghel, A. Simon and E.A. Cordos,
Cadmium Determination in Sedimented Dusty by
Atomic Emission Spectrometry with a New Radiofrequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma Source, Analytical
Letters 33(2), 323-335 (2000).
T. Frentiu, S.D. Anghel, M. Nicola, E. Darvasi,
A. Simon and E.A. Cordos, Figures of Merit
and Fundamental Processes in Analysis of Ca from Liquid Samples Using an r.f. CCP Torch with Tubular and Ring Electrodes, Croatica Chemica Acta 72, 763-778 (1999).
S.D. Anghel, E.A. Cordos, T. Frentiu, A. Popescu and A. Simon, Atmospheric Pressure Capacitively Coupled Plasma Source for Direct
Analysis of Non-Conductive Solid Samples, J.Anal.At.Spectrom
14, 541-545, (1999).
T. Frentiu, A.M. Rusu, S.D. Anghel,
A. Popescu, S. Negoescu,
A. Simon, E.A. Cordos, Radiforequency
CCP Torch with Central Tubular Electrode and Outer Ring Electrode, Acta Chimica Hungarica - ACH Models in Chemistry 136, 119-129
T. Frentiu, S.D. Anghel, A.M. Rusu,
A. Popescu, A. Simon and E.A. Cordos, Figures of Merit and Physical Caracteristics of a Capacitively Coupled Radiofrequency Argon
Plasma Sustained at Atmospheric Pressure in Tip-Ring Electrode Geometry,
Acta Chimica Hungarica - ACH Models in Chemistry 136, 131-148
E.A. Cordos, T. Frentiu, A.M. Rusu, S.D.
Anghel, A.Fodor
and M.Ponta, Analytical Characterization of
CCP Torch with central Tube Electrode, Talanta
48, 827-837 (1999).
C. Rosu, T. Frentiu, A.M. Rusu, S. Anghel, E. Cordos and
G. Marcu, Syinthesis
and Characterization of some Manganese(II), Cobalt(II) and Copper(II) Polyoxotungstenates with As(III) as Heteroatom, Synth.React.Inorg.Met.-Org.Chem., 28, 1665-1672
Emil Cordos, Maria Gorea, Ion Marcel Benea, Tiberiu Frentiu, Alpar Simon, Nicolae Har, Sorin Dan Anghel, Deviation
from local thermodinamic equilibrium in a Capacitively Coupled Radiofrequency Plasma Spectral
Source, Journ. Optoel.
Adv. Mater. 5, 37-42 (1997).
T. Frentiu, A.M. Rusu, M. Ponta, S.D. Anghel and E.A. Cordos,
Analytical Performance of an RF Capaciltively
Coupled Plasma for Atomic Emission, with Tip-Ring Electrode Geometry,
Fresenius Journ.Anal.Chem.
355:254-255 (1996).
S.D. Anghel, T. Frentiu, A.M. Rusu, L. Bese and E.A. Cordos, The
Analysis of Conductible Solid Samples by RF Capacitively
Coupled Plasma at Atmospheric pressure, Fresenius
Journ.Anal.Chem. 355:252-253 (1996).
S.D. Anghel, E. Darvasi, T. Frentiu, A.M. Rusu A. Simon and E.A. Cordos,
Characteristic Temperatures and Electron Number Densities in an RF Capacitively Coupled Plasma, Fresenius
Journ.Anal.Chem. 355:250-251 (1996).
E.A. Cordos, S.D. Anghel, T. Frentiu, A. Popescu, Capacitively
Coupled Plasma with Tip-ring
Electrode Geometry for Atomic Emission Spectrometry. Analytical
Performance and Matrix Effect of Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride,
J.Anal.At.Spectrom 9,635-641(1994).
S.D. Anghel, A. Popescu, F. Racz, E. Tătaru, E. Cordos, Un generator de plasmă cuplată
inductiv pentru spectroscopia de emisie, Rev.Chim. 40, 344-349

