"Jonctiuni magnetice tunel pe baza de halogenuri alcaline si de argint"
Codul proiectului: PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0028
Numar contract.45/02.09.2013
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Proiectul are drept obiectiv studiul teoretic al unor noi tipuri de jonctiuni magnetice tunel cu bariere pe baza de halogenuri alcaline sau sisteme alcalino-pamantoase avand magnetorezistente mari.
Au fost studiate proprietatile electronice, magnetice si de transport ale heterojonctiunilor de tip Fe/NaBr/Fe(001), Fe/AgBr/Fe(001) si Fe/LiF(LiBr)/Fe(001), plecand de la doua tipuri de interfete, C1 in care atomii de Fe sunt situati deasupra celor de Na(Ag) si Br(C1) si respectiv intre golurile situate intre acestia (C2). Valori mari ale magnetorezistentei 104 % au fost evidentiate in cazul interfetelor de tip C1. S-au analizat deasemenea proprietatile de transport ale heterojonctiunilor având bariere de Ag1-xNax. Perovskitele de tip Ca2(Fe,Ni)MoO6 sunt ordonate ferimagnetic. S-a corelat distributia ionilor de Fe si Mo in pozitiile B si B' precum si starile de valenta ale acestora cu proprietatile fizice ale perovskitelor. S-a propus un nou model pentru a descrie comportarea magnetica a compusilor de tip RCo2 cu pamanturi-rare grele.
- "Are insulating LiF barriers relevant for spin-polarized tunneling applications? Insights from first principles calculations", P. Vlaic, E.Burzo, K. Carva, J. Phys.D: Appl. Phys. 49, 305302 (2016)
- "Spin-polarized transport using do ferromagnetism: an ab initio study of CaC/MgS/CaC(001) heterojunctions", P. Vlaic, E. Burzo, K. Carva, J. Phys. D.: Appl. Phys. 48, 455002 (2015)
- "Magnetic and electronic transport properties of some tunnel junctions with AgBr spin filter barrier", P.Vlaic, E.Burzo, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, (in curs de aparitie)
- "Structural and magnetic properties of Ca1.5La0.5FeMoO6 perovskites at high pressures", E.Burzo, D.P.Kozlenko, N.T.Dang, S.E.Kichanov, N.O.Golosova, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 664, 363 (2016)
- "Crystal structures, magnetic and transport properties of calcium based perovskites", E.Burzo, I.Balasz, AIP Conf. Proc. 1722, 080003 (2016)
- "Ferrimagnetic order in Ca2(Fe,Ni)MoO6 perovskites", E.Burzo, I.Balasz, Rom. J. Phys. (2017) (in curs de aparitie)
Lucrare publicata in aditie la tematica de mai sus
- "Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Er1-xYxCo2 compounds with x ≤ 0.3", E.Burzo, I.Balasz, L. Chioncel, Rom. Journ. Phys., Vol. 61, No. 7–8, P. 1213–1223 (2016)
- "Exchange interactions in heavy rare-earth RCo2 compounds", E.Burzo, J.Phys.: Conf. Series (accepted to be published)
- "Spin polarized transport properties in Fe/NaBr(001) based heterojunctions", E.Burzo, P.Vlaic, Invited lecture, 16th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 2016, Constanta, Prezentare S1L2 p. 12
- "Spin dependent transport properties in MTJs having NaBr(AgBr) barriers", P. Vlaic, E.Burzo, 11th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Material, 2016 p.309 Poster T4-P14
- "Magnetic properties of Ca2Fe1-xNixMoO6 perovskites", I.Balasz, E.Burzo, 11th International Conference of Physics of Advanced Materials, Sept. 2016,p. 90 Poster
- "Exchange interactions in heavy rare-earth RCo2 compounds", E. Burzo, International Conference on Neutron Scattering, Dubna, June 2016, p.18, Prezentare
- "Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Er1-xYxCo2 compounds", I. Balasz-Muresan, I.Balasz, L. Chioncel, E.Burzo, 16th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 2016, Constanta, Poster S1P73, p.74
- "Magnetic behaviour of RCo2 compounds, where R is a heavy rare-earth", E.Burzo, 11th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, Sept., 2016, Prezentare, p.253
Au fost analizate proprietatile electronice, magnetice precum si cele de transport dependente de spin in jonctiunile magnetice tunel de tip Fe/LiF(LiBr)/Fe(001). Stabilitatea la interfete a fost discutata in corelatie cu efectele de interdifuzie. Stari induse ale fierului (MIGs) apar la interfetele barierelor. Conductantele k||-rezolvate sunt bine descrise de un mecanism de tunelare in lungul barierelor. S-au obtinut date aditionale cu privire la jonctiunile tunel CaC/MgS/CaC(001). Polarizarea de spin a curentului atinge valori de 99 %, iar raporturile magnetorezistive sunt de ordinul a 104 %. S-au studiat proprietatile magnetice si de transport a perovskitelor de tip Ca2Fe1-xNixMoO6. Rapoarte magnetorezistive de pana la 36 %, au fost obtinute la T=10K. Modificarile in starile de valenta ale ionilor metalelor de tranzitie, ca efect al presiuni, in perovskite de tip (Ca,La)FeMoO6, au fost corelate cu evolutiile parametrilor structurali.
- "Oscillatory exchnage coupling and strong direct tunneling in AgCl based heterojunctions", P.Vlaic, E.Burzo, K.Carva J.Alloys Comp. 630, 299-309 (2015)
- "Spin-polarized transport using do ferromagnetism: and ab initio study of CaC/MgS/CaC(001) heterojunctions", P.Vlaic, E.Burzo, K.Carva, J. Phys. D.: Appl. Phys. 48, 455002-455010 (2015)
- "Magnetic and trasport properties of Ca1.5La0.5FeMo1-xWxO6 perovskites", E.Burzo, I.Balasz, M.Valeanu, D.P.Kozlenko, G.E.Kichanov, A.V.Rutkauskas, B.N.Savenko, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 621, 71-77 (2015)
- "Pressure effects on the magnetic behaviour of cobalt in rare-earth compounds", E.Burzo, P.Vlaic, D.P.Kozlenko, Rom. J. Phys. 60, 200 (2015)
- "Crystal structures, magnetic and transport properties of calcium based perovskites", E.Burzo, I.Balasz, AIP Conf. Proc. (in curs de aparitie)
- "Structural and magnetic properties of Ca1,5La0,5FeMoO6 perovskite at high pressure", E.Burzo, D.P.Kozlenko, N.T.Dang, S.E.Kichanov, N.O.Galosova, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Aparut on-line pe 4 Ianuarie 2016)
- "Are insulating LiF barriers relevant for spin-polarized tunneling applications? Insight from first-principles", E.Burzo, P.Vlaic, K.Carva, Journal Phys.D:Appl. Phys. (trimisa spre publicare)
- "Crystal structures, magnetic and transport properties of calcium based perovskites", E.Burzo, BPU-9 International Conference, Istanbul 24-27.08.2015, Oral presentation, paper 06-OP-13 p. 148
- "Electronic properties of Fe/LiF(LiBr)/Fe magnetic tunnel junctions", E.Burzo, P.Vlaic, Invited lecture, The 15th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, 2-4 July 2015, pages SO-02 p.15
- "Magnetic and electrical properties of Ca2Fe1-xNixMoO6 double perovskites", I.Balasz-Muresan, A.Farcas, E.Burzo, Poster paper, The 15th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, 2-4 July 2015 paper SI P35 p.63
Lucrare publicata in aditie la tematica de mai sus
S-au studiat proprietatile, structural magnetice precum si cele de transport dependente de spin în jonctiunile magnetice de tip Fe/AgCl/Fe (001) si CaC/X/CaC (001) cu X = LiCl si MgS. Calculele efectuate prezic valori mari ale magnetorezistentelor. S-a analizat efectul interdifuziei Ag si Cl la interfetele Fe/AgCl. Gradul de ordonare a structurii perovskitelor duble de tip (Ca,La,Fe,Mo)O6 creste pe masura ce Mo este substituit prin W. Polarizarea de spin de asemenea creste. S-a studiat proprietatile fizice ale unor compusi de tip pamant-rar cu Fe(Co), de interes pentru aplicatii în tehnica.
- ”Impact of Fe/NaCl(001) interface structure on electronic, magnetic and spin-polarized transport properties Fe/NaCl/Fe(001) heterojunctions: an ab initio study”, P. Vlaic, E.Burzo and K.Carva, J. Alloys Comp. 598, 41 (2014)
- "Magnetic and Transport Properties of Ca1.5La0.5FeMo1-xWxO6 Perovskites", E. Burzo, I. Balasz, M. Valeanu, D.P.Kozlenko, S.E. Kichanov, A.V. Rutkauskas, B.N. Savenko, J. Alloys Comp. 621, 71 (2015)
- “Pressure effects on the magnetic behavior of cobalt in rare-earth compounds”, E. Burzo, P. Valic, D.P. Kozlenko, Rom. J. Phys. 60, 1 (2015)
- "Oscillatory exchange coupling and strong direct tunneling in AgCl based heterojunctions", P.Vlaic, E.Burzo, K.Carva, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Online din 16 Ianuarie 2015)
- "Electronic structure and spin polarized transport characteristics of CaC/LiCl(MgS)/CaC(001) heterojunctions", P.Vlaic, E.Burzo, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48, 455002 (2015)
- "Exchange enhanced paramagnetism of rare-earth (yttrium)- transition metal compounds", E.Burzo, AIP Conf. Proc. 1694, 030001 (2015)
- "Magnetoresistive properties of La1.5Ca0.5FeMo1-xWxO6 double perovskites" E.Burzo, I.Balasz, M.Valeanu, D.P.Kozlenko, 7th International Conference on Material Science and Condensed Matter Physics, Chisinău, lucrarea ABM 11B p.104, Lucarea este indexata INIS.
- "Magnetic properties and electronic structures of rare-earth transition metal compounds", E.Burzo, Invited lecture at the 7th International Conference on Material Science and Condensed Matter Physics, Chisinău, p.39. Lucarea este indexata INIS
- "Pressure effects on the magnetic behavior of cobalt in rare-earth compounds", E.Burzo, P.Vlaic, D.P.Kozlenko, Lecture at Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 2014 si apare in Romanian Journal of Physics 60, vol.1-2, 2015
- "Electronic structure and spin polarized transport characteristics of CaC/LiCl(MgS)/CaC(001) heterojunctions", P.Vlaic, E.Burzo, TIM-14 Phys. Conference, apare în AIP Conf. Proc. (ISI paper)
- "Exchange enhanced paramagnetism of rare-earth (yttrium)- transition metal compounds", E.Burzo, Invited lecture TIM-14 Phys. Conference, apare în AIP Conf. Proc. (ISI paper)
Au fost analizate proprietatile structurale, electronice si de transport dependente de spin ale heterostructurilor de tip Fe/NaCl/Fe(001) si Fe/CaS/Fe(001). Tunelarea rezonanta are un rol major in determinarea proprietatilor de transport dependente de spin. Rapoartele magnetorezistentelor in jonctiunile Fe/NaCl/Fe sunt comparabile cu cele estimate in jonctiuni de tip Fe/MgO/Fe. Nu apar efecte de interdifuzie interfaciala intre straturile de Fe si NaCl. Intensitatea cuplajului de schimb depinde de structura geometrica a interfetei Fe/CaS(001) si descreste exponential cu largimea barierei. In starea feromagnetica a jonctiuni, contributia majora la curent este data de electronii cu spin-minoritar. Au fost studiate de asemenea efectele presiunii asupra proprietatilor fizice ale unor compusi de tip RCo5.
- "Structural, electronic, magnetic and spin dependent transport properties of Fe/CaS/Fe (001) heterostructures", P. Vlaic, E. Burzo and K. Carva, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 053715 (2013)
- ”Pressure effects on crystal structures and magnetic properties of RCo5 (R = Y or Gd) compounds”, E.Burzo, P. Vlaic, AIP Conf. Proc. 1564, 96 (2013)
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