
  1. Developing a novel fine-grained (CHARMM) force field for protonated PEI

    rigorously derived from high-quality ab initio calculations, using very recent software packages and technologies. We will define specific residues and optimize atomic charges, as well as bond, angle, and dihedral parameters.

  2. Fine-grained MD investigation of dynamic structuring of solvated PEI

    in terms of gyration radius, end-to-end distance, persistence length, radial distribution functions, coordination, diffusion coefficients, and chain rigidity.

  3. Developing a novel coarse-grained (MARTINI) force field for protonated PEI

    by mapping entire CHARMM residues to coarse-grained (CG) beads and adjusting their interaction parameters using as reference the atomistic FF and MD simulations. The CG simulations will use tenfold time steps for significantly larger solvated PEI systems.

  4. Fine- and coarse-grained MD investigations of DNA condensation

    aiming at enhanced efficiency of condensation/transfection processes. Using the developed CHARMM and MARTINI FFs, we will simulate DNA/PEI condensation under diverse conditions. Topological and energetic correlations of the charged interactions sites of DNA and PEI will corroborate the DNA size reduction to provide estimates for optimal protonation ratios of PEI.