MetDNA - PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-1292
Diseminare rezultate 2022
- Au fost publicate 8 articole indexate Web of Science în care a fost menționat proiectul PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-1292 la secțiunea Acknowledgement:
[1] T. Moisoiu, M.P. Dragomir, S.D. Iancu, S. Schallenberg, G. Birolo, G. Ferrero, D. Burghelea, A. Stefancu, R.G. Cozan, E. Licarete, A. Allione, G. Matullo, G. Iacob, Z. Bálint, R.I. Badea, A. Naccarati, D. Horst, B. Pardini, N. Leopold, F. Elec, Combined miRNA and SERS urine liquid biopsy for the point-of-care diagnosis and molecular stratification of bladder cancer, Molecular Medicine, 28 (2022) 39.
[2] S.D. Iancu, R.G. Cozan, A. Stefancu, M. David, T. Moisoiu, C. Moroz-Dubenco, A. Bajcsi, C. Chira, A. Andreica, L.F. Leopold, D. Eniu, A. Staicu, I. Goidescu, C. Socaciu, D.T. Eniu, L. Diosan, N. Leopold, SERS liquid biopsy in breast cancer. What can we learn from SERS on serum and urine?, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 273 (2022) 120992.
IF 4.098, Rank Q1 (SPECTROSCOPY)
[3] A. Stefancu, L. Nan, L. Zhu, V. Chiș, I. Bald, M. Liu, N. Leopold, S.A. Maier, E. Cortes, Controlling Plasmonic Chemistry Pathways through Specific Ion Effects, Advanced Optical Materials, 10 (2022) 2200397.
[4] A. Stefancu, O.M. Biro, O. Todor-Boer, I. Botiz, E. Cortés, N. Leopold, Halide–Metal Complexes at Plasmonic Interfaces Create New Decay Pathways for Plasmons and Excited Molecules, ACS Photonics, 9 (2022) 895-904.
[5] T. Moisoiu, S.D. Iancu, D. Burghelea, M.P. Dragomir, G. Iacob, A. Stefancu, R.G. Cozan, O. Antal, Z. Bálint, V. Muntean, R.I. Badea, E. Licarete, N. Leopold, F.I. Elec, SERS Liquid Biopsy Profiling of Serum for the Diagnosis of Kidney Cancer, Biomedicines, 10 (2022).
[6] A. Stefancu, V. Moisoiu, M. Desmirean, S.D. Iancu, A.B. Tigu, B. Petrushev, A. Jurj, R.G. Cozan, L. Budisan, B. Fetica, A. Roman, G. Dobie, C. Turcas, M. Zdrenghea, P. Teodorescu, S. Pasca, D. Piciu, D. Dima, Z. Bálint, N. Leopold, C. Tomuleasa, SERS-based DNA methylation profiling allows the differential diagnosis of malignant lymphadenopathy, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 264 (2022) 120216.
IF 4.098, Rank Q1 (SPECTROSCOPY)
Rezultatele științifice au fost diseminate în cadrul a 3 lucrări prezentate la conferințe internaționale (1 prezentare orală, 2 prezentări poster) și a 5 lucrări prezentate la conferințe naționale (2 prezentări orale, 3 prezentări poster):
- Nicolae Leopold, Stefania D. Iancu, Ramona Cozan, SERS liquid biopsy: an emerging tool for medical diagnosis, 12th Internation Conference on Clinical Spectroscopy, 19th-23th June, Dublin, Irland, Abstract Book, p.56, oral presentation.
- SD Iancu, R Cozan, N Leopold, Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and machine learning analysis of biofluids for cancer screening 18th Annual conference of the Metabolomics Society 2022, 19-23 June 2022, Valencia, poster presentation.
- SD Iancu, R Cozan, N Leopold, SERS assessment of metabolic variation in serum and urine of breast cancer pacients 18th Annual conference of the Metabolomics Society 2022, 19-23 June 2022, Valencia, poster presentation.
- Stefania D. Iancu, Vlad Moisoiu, Adrian Bogdan Tigu, Alexandra Maria Chiriac, Luca David, Alexandru Stefan Chis, Georgiana Ion, Zoltán Bálint, Ciprian Tomuleasa, Nicolae Leopold, Malignant DNA detection based on the adsorption affinity to silver nanoparticles, 17th National Conference of Biophysics with International Participation, 23-25 September 2022, Târgu Mureș, oral presentation.
- N Leopold, SD Iancu, RG Cozan, AM Chiriac, A. Chiș, G. Ion, C.G. Grigoroaea, L.F. Leopold, A. Stefancu, V. Moisoiu, SERS liquid biopsy for medical diagnosis, 17th National Conference of Biophysics with International Participation, 23-25 September 2022, Târgu Mureș, oral presentation.
- R Cozan, SD Iancu, A Stefancu, C Moroz-Dubenco, A Bajcsi, C Chira, L Diosan, N Leopold, SERS liquid biopsy in breast cancer. What can we learn from SERS on serum and urine? 17th National Conference of Biophysics with International Participation, 23-25 September 2022, Târgu Mureș, poster presentation.
- AM Chiriac, SD Iancu, A Stefancu, N Leopold, Spontaneous and induced adsorption ofamino acids monitored by chemical interface damping of surface plasmon resonance at single nanoparticle level 17th National Conference of Biophysics with International Participation, 23-25 September 2022, Târgu Mureș, poster presentation.
- G Ion, SD Iancu, N Leopold, Assessment of Raman enhancement of water soluble analogue of beta-carotene by metal nanoparticles 17th National Conference of Biophysics with International Participation, 23-25 September 2022, Târgu Mureș, poster presentation.