About us

The Biomolecular Physics Research Center (CFBM) at the "Ioan Ursu" Institute from Babeş-Bolyai University was established in 2013.
It's activities are directed towards the highly interdisciplinary research field at the frontier between physics, chemistry, biology and medicine,
with the objective to unravel the physics of molecular processes, from single molecules to complex biomolecular systems.
The CFBM represents a comprehensive and synergistic union of experimental and computational tools that allow for a holistic approach in the characterization of biomolecules
and their role in biomedical and environmental processes.
Our research activities are primarily focused on the detection, identification and characterization biomolecules, with emphasis on their molecular and electronic structure
as well as on their interactions and dynamics. This way we aim to gain insight into the relation, at the molecular level, between the structure and the function and activity of biomolecular
structures, information that can be subsequently used for improving the diagnostics and therapeutic methodologies or for proposing new bio-inspired nanodevices for application in nanotechnology and nanomedicine.
Prof. dr. Monica BAIA |
Prof. dr. Zoltàn BÀLINT |
Prof. dr. Vasile CHIŞ |
Prof. dr. Nicolae LEOPOLD |
Prof. dr. Simona PȊNZARU |
Conf. dr. Monica FOCŞAN |
Conf. dr. Dana MANIU |
Conf. dr. Flaviu TURCU |
Lect. dr. Ştefania IANCU |
Lect. dr. Cora CRĂCIUN |
Lect. dr. Horia PAŞCA |
Lect. dr. Emil VINŢELER |
Prof. dr. emerit Simion AŞTILEAN, membru corespondent al Academiei Române |
Prof. dr. emerit Titus BEU |
Prof. dr. emerit Grigore DAMIAN |
Prof. dr. emerit Monica CULEA |
Prof. dr. emerit Viorica SIMON |
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