Seminarii ştiinţifice:
Departamentul de Fizică Biomoleculară reincepe programul de seminarii ştiinţifice
Studenţii, cadrele didactice şi toţi cei interesaţi sunt călduros invitaţi să participe!
Workshop "Caracterizarea si vizualizarea SIMULTAN si in TIMP REAL a probelor biologice in interactie cu nanoparticule"
Departamentul de Fizica Biomoleculara in colaborare cu Schaefer SouthEast Europe SRL organizeaza in perioada 18-19 aprilie 2018 workshop-ul "Caracterizarea si vizualizarea SIMULTAN si in TIMP REAL a probelor biologice in interactie cu nanoparticule" cu urmatorul program:
- Prezentarea microscopului CytoViva: 18 Aprilie 2018, ora 16:00, in amfiteatrul „Victor Marian”
Prezintã: Byron Cheatham, Vicepresedinte CytoViva, SUA
- 18 – 19 Aprilie 2018 – sala "Hermann Oberth" – analize de probe aduse de cercetatori/cadre
Locatia: UBB - Departamentul de Fizica Biomoleculara, str. Kogalniceanu nr.1, Cluj Napoca
Inscrieri pentru participarea la analiza de probe se pot face pana la data de 10 aprilie 2018, ora 12, la adresa mentionata in
Va asteptam!
Seminar "Programe de cercetare-dezvoltare conduse de Institutul de Fizica Atomica"
Departamentul de Fizica Biomoleculara anunta seminarul stiintific "Programe de cercetare-dezvoltare conduse de Institutul de Fizica Atomica" sustinut de dr. Florin Buzatu, directorul general al Institutului de Fizica Atomica, Magurele. Seminarul va avea loc vineri 28 aprilie 2017, incepand cu orele 10:00, in amfiteatrul "Augustin Maior".
Toti cei interesati sunt invitati sa participe !
Webinar "Exploiting SERS with portable instruments for seawater & in situ seafood assessment"
Departamentul de Fizica Biomoleculara anunta webinarul "Exploiting SERS with portable instruments for seawater & in situ seafood assessment" prezentat de catre d-na. Conf. dr. Simona Cinta Pinzaru. Webinarul se va desfasura in data de 11 aprilie 2017 la orele 17:00 (11:00 AM EDT). Gasiti aici alte informatii. Accesul la webinar de pe un dispozitiv mobil sau PC presupune inregistrarea prealabila (exista un formular in pagina de mai sus).
Arhiva de seminarii:
- Webinarul "Exploiting SERS with portable instruments for seawater & in situ seafood assessment" prezentat de catre d-na. Conf. dr. Simona Cinta Pinzaru s-a desfasurat in data de 11 aprilie 2017 la orele 17:00 (11:00 AM EDT).Alte informatii aici.
- Seminarul cu titlul "Cluster approach to fission" a fost sustinut de drd. Horia Pasca in data de 31 martei 2017
- Seminarul "Can we combine computer aided diagnosis with radiologist expertise?" prezentat de catre dl. Lect. dr. Balint Zoltan a avut loc vineri, 17 martie 2017, orele 10:00 in amfiteatrul "Augustin Maior"
- Seminarul "Cationic Polymers - Force Field Modeling and Molecular Dynamics Simulations", prezentat de dl. Prof.dr. Titus Beu, a avut loc in data de 3 martie 2017, ora 10.00, in amfiteatrul Augustin Maior.
- Luni 30 martie 2015, ora 17:00 "Dl. Cristian Presură, Fizician la Compania Philips, Eindhoven, Olanda a prezentat seminarul cu tema:
"Cum eşecul Apple ne afectează pe toţi, sau povestea senzorilor personali de sănătate"
Abstract: O componentă esenţială a ceasurilor inteligente este capacitatea acestora de a monitoriza parametrii de sănătate ai purtatorului, cum ar fi pulsul,
respiraţia, emoţia, calitatea somnului sau efortul fizic. Succesul unor astfel de senzori depinde nu numai de progresul componentelor
electronice, dar şi de inţelegerea proceselor fizice care au la loc.
Prezentarea va fi o trecere in revistă a tehnologiilor utilizate şi va conţine o parte din istoria senzorului optic
introdus pe piaţă de compania Philips.
Studenţii şi-au putut face o idee despre munca de fizician in departamentul de cercetare al unei companii, iar prin
exemple extrase din cartea "Fizica povestită", ei au aflat cum fizica se imbină cu inovaţia.
Primul ceas din lume cu senzor optic pentru puls – Cristian Presură impreună cu echipa sa a
inventat şi introdus pe piaţă primul ceas capabil să măsoare pulsul sportivilor numai pe baza senzorilor optici. Ceasul a fost lansat pe piaţă în anul 2012, de compania MIO."
- Vineri 14 noiembrie 2014,Dr. Daniel I Bilc, cercetător ştiinţific la National Institute for Research & Development of Isotopic & Molecular Technologies (NIRDIMT),
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, a prezentat seminarul cu tema:Large thermoelectric power factors in bulk semiconductors by band engineering of
highly-directional electronic states.
- Vineri 17 octombrie 2014, Dr. Attila Bende, cercetător ştiinţific I in departamentul de Fizică moleculară şi biomoleculară al INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca, a prezentat seminarul cu tema:
Conductibilitatea purtătorilor de sarcină in lanţuri ADN unidimensionale infinite (Charge carrier conductibility in one-dimensional infinite long DNA polymer chains)
- Vineri 6 iunie 2014, ora 9:00, în sala AE, a avut loc seminarul ştiinţific al departamentului.
Prof. dr. Vasile Chiş a prezentat seminarul cu tema:Why computing molecules? Selected applications on (bio)molecular systems.
Abstract: Quantum chemical calculations represent nowadays a "must use" tool for a reliable interpretation of experimental data in
a variety of fields, ranging from common spectroscopic observations to subtle electronic effects that influence molecular processes
like the dispersion interactions, adsorption of molecules on surfaces, ligand-receptor interactions or excited state dynamics.
In this talk, a short overview of the recent advances in DFT-based approaches will be given with particular emphasis on
dispersion-corrected DFT methods able to tackle the (weak) van der Waals interactions.
Selected applications on geometrical structures and electronic properties will be presented for various biomolecules or molecular
systems of interest in nanotechnology. In particular, examples of DFT calculations used in the assignment of vibrational,
UV-Vis and magnetic resonance (ESR and NMR) spectra will be shown. Potential energy curves of two perylene derivatives will be
presented as an example of usefulness of DFT dispersion-corrected methods for tackling dispersion interactions. Lastly,
we demonstrate how the DFT calculations can be used for getting insights into the excited state properties,
like geometrical structures and radiative fluorescence lifetimes.
- Vineri 23 mai 2014, ora 9:00, în sala AE, a avut loc seminarul ştiinţific al departamentului, cu tema Investigarea lentilelor de contact explantate datorita opacificarii.
Dna. Prof. dr. Viorica Simon a prezentat rezultate obtinute prin analiza microscopica (SEM)
si spectroscopica (FTIR si XPS) a unei lentile de contact, explantata datorita opacificarii.
- Vineri 25 aprilie 2014, ora 11:00, în sala AE, a avut loc seminarul ştiinţific al departamentului, cu titlul Nanoscale transport measurement with multiple probe scanning tunneling microscopy
, prezentat de dr. Bruno Grandidier de la Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN), CNRS, UMR 8520, Département ISEN, 41 bd Vauban, 59046 Lille Cedex, France.
Abstract: Scaling of electronic device dimensions into the nanotechnology regime has been the basis of the semiconductor industry for nearly 30 years. Traditional materials have been pushed to their limits, which mean that entirely new materials and new devices structures are required for the ongoing development of nanoelectronics. Accurate measurements of dimensions, characterization of these materials and reliable electrical performances of novel structures and devices are thus critical for advances in fundamental nanoscience, design of new nanomaterials, and progresses in manufacturing of next-generation nanodevices.
The transport properties, especially the conductivity, of surfaces and nanostructures are of increasing significance as device sizes are reduced. Development of new techniques have become especially imperative for probing current flow and resistivity variations with nanometer scale spatial resolution in a variety of materials and devices. Conventional transport electrodes and probes are very invasive; namely, they change what we are trying to measure. For a large conductor, the probes only represent a minor perturbation. But for a small conductor, especially at the nanoscale, the probes can very well be the dominant source of scattering. Therefore, using weakly coupled scanning tunneling probes to detect transport phenomena appears to be the best approach. Here, we will describe a new setup, where the unique combination of four scanning tunneling microscope probe tips and a scanning electron microscope in ultra high vacuum allows 4-point contact measurements and function testing of nanodevices within complex structures and integrated circuits. Such a tool has considerable potential, as it does not need any extra electrodes on the specimen and enables arbitrary arrangements of probe electrodes with the highest spatial resolution.
As examples, we will show how this tool can be used to study transport phenomena on freestanding semiconductor nanowires and on two-dimensional atomic crystals. In particular, we will discuss the impact of the electron beam on the electrical properties of those nanostructures. Finally we will present developements that are achieved in the context coupling scanning probe microscopy and with ultrafast-laser excitation to study the charge carrier dynamics with high spatial and temporal resolutions.
- Vineri 4 aprilie 2014, ora 9:00, în sala AE, a avut loc seminarul ştiinţific al departamentului cu tema "Raman spectroscopy results for Nanomedicine"
prezentat de d-na. Conf. dr. Simona Cȃntă-Panzaru.
Abstract: Nanomedicine, defined as the nanosciences devoted to the health care, covers a broaden
field of nanotechnology applications in the medical field related to the medical diagnostic and therapy.
The talk will cover the basic aspects of personalized nanomedicine, molecular nanotechnology addressed to
the unsolved problems in health care and will focus on our experimental contributions aiming to understand
molecular changes related to the malignancy and early cancer diagnostic. Raman spectroscopy techniques adapted
to probe the chemical composition of cells, allowed to explore the interfaces between biological organisms and nanoparticles,
exploiting the surface enhanced Raman scattering effect.The in-vivo behavior of the four cancer cell lines studied provided new insight into the cellular
events related to cell division, proteins consumption and apoptosis. Moreover the SERS spectral differences between the in-vivo
and ex-vivo cells as well as between the cancer cell and cancer tissue will address deeper reconsideration in the correct
interpretation of the spectral signal and a critical review on the current reports in the field.
- Vineri 21 martie 2014, ora 9:00, în sala AE, a avut loc seminarul ştiinţific al departamentului cu tema "Misterioasa logică cuantică"
prezentat de lect. dr. Emil Vinţeler.
Abstract: Limita calculatoarelor cuantice. Noţiunea de qubit. Pisica lui Schrodinger. Prima poartă logică şi primul calculator cuantic.
Logica cuantică in conflict cu teoria clasică. Sisteme cu un qubit: poarta Deutsch echivalentă cu poarta clasică radical NOT. Sisteme cu doi qubiţi:
înlănţuirea (entanglement) particulelor. Paradoxul Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen.
Inegalităţile lui Bell. Teleportarea cuantică şi imposibilitatea clonării cuantice.
- Vineri 14 martie 2014, ora 9:00, în sala AE, a avut loc seminarul ştiinţific al departamentului, avȃnd-o
ca invitată pe drd. Iulia Brumboiu, absolventă a facultăţii noastre în 2011, doctorandă la Uppsala University,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala, Sweden.
Tema seminarului: Celule solare organice: Acceptorul de electroni.
- Vineri 7 martie 2014, ora 9:00, în sala AE, a avut loc seminarul ştiinţific al departamentului, cu titlul
"Fundamental aspects for improving the energy conversion efficiency of hetero-junction organic solar cells" avȃnd-ul
ca invitat pe Prof. Prof. Jun Onoe de la Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Nuclear Engineering. Abstract: Organic
photovoltaic (OPV) cells have been regarded as next-generation PV cells, owing to their fascinating advantages of lightweight,
low fabrication cost, resource-free, and flexibility when compared to those of conventional PV cells based on silicon and
semiconductor compounds. However, the power conversion efficiency (η) of the OPV cells has been still around 8%, though
more than 10% efficiency has been required for their practical use. In this talk, we will address what are crucial factors
to improve the η by examining the external quantum efficiency (EQE) and open-circuit voltage (VOC) of Zinc-porphyrin/C60
hetero-junction OPV cells.

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